Continuing the Journey

What an awesome journey this has been at Compass Communities. We welcome back Bonnie, Jessica and Andrea. We are so excited to have you journeying with us again.

The last few months have been super busy ones as we have started on a journey for baptism for three of our earliteens, working on completing Twenty- eight stories. The journey included last Saturday at “Night of Joy” at Disney World.

I have learned so much about worship with these youth, many of them my Wyldlife Kids coming out from the world. I brought earplugs with me realizing the music would be real loud and not my kind of music. I so much wanted to hear Casting Crowns, our youth on the other hand wanted to hear Britt Nicole and Skillet, both Christian Rock Bands. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. God spoke to me in the midst of these performers. It wasn’t my style of worship, but He showed me an awesome message from each one of these performers, and an army of kids that identified with their message and were worshiping the same God as I was,just in a different way. Instead of earplugs I was in tears and guess what, I never heard the loud music I only saw an army of younger worshipers and awesome worship going on around me.

I praise God for the lessons He teaches me each day about His style of worship. It reminds me of Paul who became something different in order to reach as many as he could. It helps me to realize that if I get stuck in a certain style of worship then I will miss the opportunity to reach our younger population who love God,just worship Him differently. They also connect with Him differently then I do. So I need to be open to different avenues, same message just different clothes.

Have a blessed and God-honoring week as you continue to seek the God of the Universe that loves you immensely.

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