Current small groups are:  Compass Communities Men’s Group is committed to building strong leadership based on biblical principles & discipleship. We meet monthly to strengthen our relationships & faith. We hope you will join us. If interested call Chris at 941-268-3879 for time and location.

Women’s Ministry,

Compass Community Women’s GroupBringing Christ to the People

We focus on developing our relationship with each other through monthly activities that include prayer brunches, game and movie nights. We also spend alone time with God to develop our relationship with Christ which is the backbone of any ministry. The best part about our church is we believe in meeting people where they are and watching them grow spiritually. If this is something that would interest you please contact us for details about our next meeting. 

Call or text Bridgette at 941-258-0710 

 Our next Woman’s Group will be August 21st from 1 pm to 3:00 pm and will be a Baby Shower for one of our single moms. The following one will be another Prayer Brunch on September 18th 2022 from 10:12:30 pm

Bridgette Murray

Single Mom’s group  will be at McQuire Park on July 24th, from 1pm to 4pm, call or text

Anita at 941-916-8770 if interested and for details .