Author: wagenersmith


Bowling against Homelessness

Thank you to everyone who participated in last weekend’s bowling fundraiser at Treasure Lanes in Port Charlotte. We may not have had the highest scores — some of us really needed those lane bumpers...


God in Real Life

How is Jesus being demonstrated in your life right now? Whether it’s to you or through you, this question alone will be our focus this Saturday. While open sharing has always been part of...


Geocaching for Kids, February 18

You are invited to a family-friendly geocaching experience for kids on February 18.  Geared for ages 12 and under, your kids will discover truths about God’s creation through geocaching. In age-specific adult-guided groups, your...


Sharing Jesus with Your Kids

Do you want to learn creative ways to share Jesus with your children? Come Saturday January 28 at 10:30 as Rhoda Burrill, the children’s ministry leader at the Florida Conference, will be with us. As...


Pay It Forward

One of the ways we put God’s love into practice at Compass is by handing out cash. The first Saturday of each month we give it to one or two people, usually $50 or...