A New Day is Dawning for Compass

I can’t believe it has been almost 6 years since my last blog. My husband and I moved to a condo after 30 years living in the same house. Then we changed our email address and I lost the password and contact information for wordpress until last night.

Then life happened! I have been on a journey with God for the last 6 years. From moving our home to controversies over Bible studies in a condo, (teaching me how to love better with much time in prayer to resolve the issues). Moving our church location from the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition, which had been our church home for 9 years where we worshipped and did acts of service there. We then moved to First Alliance Church for two years.

My mom passed away during those two years, then two months later I broke my leg, then came blood clots, and rehab, all to teach me “to be still and know He is God”. You see I thought I had to take care of my world. I didn’t that was God’s job! It took me a year to learn that lesson! But learn it I did!

Then a diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia (CLL) and (SLL) then an introduction of Plant Based Whole Foods No Oils, the original Diet given at Creation to remission of both diseases, God leading me all the way.

Then came covid shutdowns, and homelessness for a year as a church, meeting out in the parks where we got to be seed planters to all sorts of people, some of which have joined our band of disciples, to a brand new beginning last year at Young Life in the mall.

What a journey we have been on. Lots of heartaches, and also joy as we faced each challenge, God was with us all along, growing us through the challenges, putting new people in our paths.

This last Sunday we met as a Visionary Committee and cast a New Vision for our little company. Our Mission Statement has always been “To Live and Love Like Jesus”. Our Vision Statement is new to “Bring Jesus to the People”. Have no clue what the Visionary Statement will look like, but we have challeneged each leader to cast a vision for their people from Men’s Ministries to Women’s Ministries to our Single Mom’s Group, and our Children’s Ministries, to Health Ministries, and Deaconesses.

I am excited to see what that will look like! They had lots of fresh New Ideas. Our first outing will be for our Single Mom’s Ministry at McQuire Park. We are even learning how to use Snap Chat and Instagram to reach the people where they are. Praying that God will put the right people in our paths to teach us all we need to learn.

If God is in the middle of it guaranteed the sky’s the limit! Until the next time. It is my prayer that it won’t be so long next time.

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