images-9-3Today was such a wonderful  day, as a new Youth Praise team was formed . We welcomed Alivia one of my Wyldlife girls to the praise team. Wherever she goes there is sunshine, such a positive attitude is contagious. She wants us to pray for her friend Haley as she invites her next week to come with her. She asks that the church help her friend find Jesus. Today was testimony Sabbath. The stories that came out of our praying for the city were phenomenal; walls coming down, barriers to the gospel being removed, personal testimonies of overted fires from wiring,strongholds being demolished. The wonderful part is that God is not finished yet. The above picture is one of Alivia’s favorite Jesus pictures. It reminds me of the prodigal son story.

A new Pathfinder club at Compass will be started in just a few weeks just waiting to figure out the location. Please pray for us to get the answer this week.

Have a blessed and God honoring week.

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