Journey of Love

What an awesome journey of love we are on. I love Compass Communities. I feel so loved when I am there. I love the worship with our new band, who needs a name, by the way. They bring us right to the throne of grace. I feel like I am in God’s Holy Presence. Their songs are songs our teens know and love but something we all love to worship to, as well. When they sing Deep cries out to deep a song by Bethel Church the whole church gets involved in worship.

We are almost done with our series, “In the Meantime” by Andy Stanley. Today he talked about belief in the midst of our new normal that God is doing something in spite of the way everything seems. It is hard to think about (James 1:2-4 where the Bible tells us to consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing) when you are in the middle of your meantime experience, but that is what God calls us to do.

Why does He calls us to do this? Because it is telling God that you trust Him enough because you know that He loves you and He knows the rest of the story. I am not sure I am there yet but I want to be. I want to be so in love with Jesus and my Heavenly Father that it is a new normal for me to do just what James says, to count it all joy.

Thanks Compass people for helping me feel so loved today and everyday.Your love is what keeps me going when I get discouraged. Thanks for allowing our Heavenly Father to shine through each of you to those around us that attend Compass. It is my prayer that they will experience the love I felt today and want to become part of this great family.

Blessings to all of you. Thanks to all of you who took part in being church today through the check in question, the music, the thoughts shared, and the love poured out. May your week be filled with a deeper faith in our Creator who knows the end of the story and has a perfect ending. I can’t wait until it all unfolds.

Have a blessed an God-honoring week this week. I love you all. Thanks for making Compass so special.

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