May Our Numbers Increase

What an awesome day last Saturday was as those who had moved on were now back in the fold worshiping with us. It felt like the Prodigal son returning, instead it was the Prodigal Father lavishing his love on us by bringing these two spirit filed people back to minister with us. Welcome back Cindy and Elizabeth we are so glad to have you journeying with us again.

Thank you Michael and Kate for helping to get our kids excited about worship. What an awesome Youth class we had as we continue with our 28 Stories. We had so many youth that we need to add chairs next week. Our youth will be presenting the music for the next two weeks with Michael, Kate and Casey our 15 year old on the drums. Way to go guys!

Looking forward to our kids worship next week. If you are in the area, invite a friend and come out and join us.

Don’t forget to bring things to donate for our Wyldlife Garage Sale this next Sunday. If you need someone to pick things up, let me know. You can call 627-4228 and ask for Donna. Thanks in advance for helping to send our kids to camp.

Have a God-honoring week this week.

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